BY C.M. MAYO — June 20, 2022
UPDATE: This blog was then entitled Madam Mayo (2006-2022).
Because of some recent whatnot & etc. this finds me flailingly behind with my email. Slowly but surely I am catching up; however you will never find me complaining about email when among the missives are such beautiful gifts as this, from American poet Hiram Larew:
Dear Ms. Mayo—
I thought you might enjoy these two clips.
In a 2+-minute video, Eric Epstein offers his American Sign Language interpretation of Magic, a poem that first appeared in Orbis and then in my collection, Mud Ajar. Eric Epstein’s American Sign Language Interpretation of Larew’s Poem, “Magic” – YouTube
And, in a 4+ minute Behind the Scenes video, Mr. Epstein describes the process he used to translate the poem into ASL.
Behind the Scenes — Eric Epstein Discusses How He Translated “Magic” – YouTube
I thank Eric for his open, amazing spirit.
To the magic of ASL and poetry!
Hiram Larew
I welcome your courteous comments which, should you feel so moved, you can email to me here.

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