An eon ago, in a writing workshop, the then famous teacher whispered to this then whippersnapper the secret of writing books: Sitzfleisch. In other words, the ability to endure sitting in the chair for long periods of time. Well, some decades on, I may not have won the Nobel Prize (yet) but I am indeed talented at enduring daily marathons of sitting. This may be good for my writing (and all the podcasts), but dangerous for my health. My writing assistants haul me out for regular walks, and there’s a bit o’ yoga going on, but that is not enough.

A standing desk to the rescue.
After some lickety-split googling on the subject, I settled on the StandStand. (For the record, I have no relationship with this company other than as a delighted customer.)
Finally, I have mine home in Mexico City and assembled. It’s a superb product. It’s made of bamboo and easy to assemble– so it’s light-weight, appealing to the touch, doesn’t allow my laptop to overheat, and it’s portable. Oh, and it was inexpensive, especially in comparison with some of the mechanically operated standing desks.
Looks like I may have Standfleisch, too. (Is that a word?) Onward!

2019 UPDATE:
Still delightedly using the StandStand. One of my writing assistants has taken over the chair.

P.S. You can now find many Madam Mayo posts for the workshop archived here.

Diction Drops and Spikes
Typosphere, Ho! “Stay West” on my 1961 Hermes 3000
Lord Kingsborough’s Antiquities of Mexico
Find out more about C.M. Mayo’s books, shorter works, podcasts, and more at www.cmmayo.com.