The Solitario Dome

Inside The Solitario. Photo: C.M. Mayo, March 2015

For my Far West Texas book-in-progress and the Marfa Mondays Podcasting project, I am working on an interview with Texas historian Lonn Taylor, plus a short piece about the Solitario Dome of Big Bend Ranch State Park in Far West Texas, which is to say, US-Mexico border country. 

Meanwhile, a few items about the latter:

Chase Snodgrass’s flight over the Solitario:

Google Maps screenshot of the Solitario

Flora and Vegetation of the Solitario Dome
by Jean Evans Hardy, Iron Mountain Press, 2009
(Whoa, call the chiropracter, I brought this one home in my carry-on!)

Geology of the Solitario
by Charles E. Corry, et al. Geological Society of America Special Paper 250, 1990.

“Igneous Evolution of a Complex Laccolith-Caldera, the Solitario, Trans-Pecos, Texas: Implications for Calderas and Subjacent Plutons” 
by Christopher D. Henry, et al.Geological Society of America Bulletin, August 1997 (Super-crunchy PDF)

The Solitario: Sentinel of the Big Bend Ranch State Park”
Megan HicksThe Big Bend Paisano, Winter 2004/2005

“Geology at the Crossroads”
By Blaine R. Hall, Big Bend Ranch State Park

“Solitario: A Separate Place” and “Fresno Creek:” Desert Cloister”
Texas Monthly, April 1977

Entering the labyrinth of the Solitario via Los Portales (That’s my guide, Charlie Angell, he’s the best, check him out on Photo: C.M. Mayo, March 2015

>Listen in to all the Marfa Mondays Podcasts anytime. The most recent is “Tremendous Forms: Finding Composition in the Landscape,” an interview with Paul V. Chaplo, author of the magnificent Marfa Flights.

Marfa Mondays #2 Charles Angell in the Big Bend

Notes on Tom Lea and His Epic Masterpiece 
of a Western, The Wonderful Country

Cartridges and Postcards from the US-Mexico Border of Yore

On the Trail of the Rock Art of the Lower Pecos

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C.M. Mayo’s books, articles, podcasts, and more.