This blog posts on Mondays. Second Mondays of the month I devote to my writing workshop students and anyone else interested in creative writing. Welcome!
> For the archive of workshop posts click here.

A little housekeeping going on over at the official homepage, www.cmmayo.com, which is still (eeee) in the verily Mezozoic software program Adobe PageMill, but about to make the move over to WordPress. I’ve got a good start by moving the writing workshop page resources, including the ever-popular “Giant Golden Buddha” & 364 More 5 Minute Writing Exercises, over to a new dedicated page here at Madam Mayo blog—appended to the archive of workshop posts from the main archive menu.

Today’s 5 minute writing exercise:
June 14 “Bob’s Front Page”
What if Bob appeared on the front page of his local newspaper, but he didn’t know about it until the following day?
I welcome your courteous comments which, should you feel so moved, you can email to me here.

Q & A with Katherine Dunn on White Dog and
Writing in the Digital Revolution
Überly Fab Fashion Blogger Melanie Kobayashi’s
“Bag and a Beret” (Further Notes on Reading as a Writer)
Find out more about
C.M. Mayo’s books, articles, podcasts, and more.